November 2015 - Happy Thanksgiving! Wishing you the best of everything always.
What a year it's been!!
I have been thinking of writing a newsletter for quite sometime. It's amazing how busy my schedule has been. I feel very lucky and I am very grateful for everything I have.
I think that this year I am most grateful for my daughters being happy and healthy and the most beautiful girls in the world in my eyes. They give me so many gifts each day. They give me smiles in the morning, and love all day long when I hear their voices in the house (my home office) whether I'm writing a forensic report, preparing for court testimony, or seeing one of you in treatment. Then as my work day ends, and my real mommy time begins - they make me feel so good when they want to cook with me, or when they pull on my dress to be closer to me, or when they grunt with satisfaction when I feed them the dinner I've made for us. At bedtime, they need their mommy and daddy to lull them to sleep with a bath, and a bottle. For my Sami, she needs mommy to sing the song, "Oh, Sami!" (which is my spin off of Journey's "Oh, Sherry!") and rock her to sleep. My girls also just had there 1 year photo shoot and one of my favorites is below!
Another thing that I am most grateful for is all of you. You took a chance on me in this new concept. I believe that it's largely been successful because of our relationship. The one thing that makes me most proud outside of my family is my practice and my work with all of you. So, thank you for that.
Until next time!
Dr. L+2
Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
With the holiday season quickly approaching. It reminds me of how little time we all have. I'm juggling the girls, work, and my relationship with my husband - and it gets crazy. One way I continue to handle it, is by not putting things off. Benjamin Franklin coined the phrase, "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today." That is a VERY important concept and one that I'd like to explore a bit below on how you can put that concept into your life to make it run more smoothly.
- RECOGNIZE WHAT YOU NEED TO GET DONE - Does this need an explanation? Sometimes it does. I find that some people have lofty goals, but no real idea on what it actually takes to reach that goal. But they sure are upset when they don't achieve what they want. For example, I'm working with a recent college graduate who wants to be SOMEBODY, but doesn't really have any idea of who. She came back to me after a couple of years hiatus because she realized that she needed help with this. SMART GIRL!!! I had her research jobs in what she was interested in (sports) and then we matched what she had in terms of criteria with what each different job needed. We landed on Sports Marketing.
- BE REALISTIC ON HOW MUCH TIME YOU HAVE TO DO IT - She wanted this job like last year, even though last year she didn't even know what she wanted to do. She has been a bartender forever, so it was comfortable and profitable and she just coasted. She could get a better job TOMORROW, but her anxiety gets in the way. She also doesn't have polish yet. She hasn't lived in the working world long enough. This is where I come in!
- PRIORITIZE THE TASKS - Today in session we looked at possible job prospects. 1) We looked at companies in this area (she really likes Florida and Tampa Bay as her parents now retired to here) that do this type of thing. 2) We looked at jobs they are offering. So, we have our targets. She doesn't have a business or marketing degree, so we need to 3) work on her resume to make it more friendly to this market, while still being true to what and who she is. 4) Cover letter is also a necessity given that she isn't the traditional applicant. 5) Professional picture as this girl is as beautiful as she is smart and I want to be sure they know it (it is marketing!)
- SET ACCOUNTABLE DEADLINE - She needs this stuff done by the next session which is in 2 weeks. She will be accountable to ME! That's scarey, right?! :D
Dr. L
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