Reminder emails are sent out every Sunday for your appointment for the week. If you need to cancel or change an appointment it should be done within 72 hours (3 business days) of the scheduled visit time. If it is canceled after 48 hours, you will be assessed a fee that is half of the rate of the scheduled appointment. If you cancel within 24 hours of the appointment or do not show, the entire fee is charged to you. So, please be at your appointment on time, be courteous to others and cancel at the appropriate time to ensure all patients have an opportunity to be seen in a timely manner. Please send Dr. Lazarou an email to cancel, change, or make a follow up appointment.
Click here to send an email to Dr. Lazarou. Remember, this email is for patients ONLY and no treatment decisions will be made over email.
To discuss a case or to obtain information regarding services or fees, please contact Dr. Lazarou via email and she will get right back to you. In the body of the email, please leave a name and phone number where you can be reached.
- La Coop, P.A. - General and Forensic Psychiatry
- Emily E. Lazarou, MD
- P.O. Box 1107
- Odessa, FL 33556
Dr. L is open to seeing a select few new patients and also can see current Virtual patients in her office space at her new location on Fridays from 8am-3pm. The address is:
16631 Scheer Blvd.
Hudson, FL 34667
( Office Hours: Mondays and Saturdays 7am-5pm. Other times may be able to be accommodated by special appointment only.