As many of you know, I have been put on medical bed rest in the hospital. One of my girls wanted to kick some butt with her momma outside, but we all knew it was too early so my excellent doctors and nurses are all taking care of me in the hospital so that these girls can grow big and strong and face the world with their best foot forward. Marigold and Samantha are 32 weeks and 1 day old today. We want them to be 34 weeks at least.
As many of you can imagine, knowing me - bed rest is just wild and though I have really taken things down several notches I guess it wasn't enough. So, I am using this time wisely and wanted to write a newsletter.
I have had a lot of topics flowing through my mind in the last few months, but things have been busy with cases, and of course all of you. We are all working toward success and our own personal versions of what that might mean. The thing I love about my job is that it doesn't grow old and I continue to see potential in everything. All of my patients, working and learning about themselves and me and my babies trying to learn how to navigate this world the best way possible with what we have been given.
The one thing that I have found in all of this - a common thread among the sometimes dark times (many of you know I have been working on several serious murder cases lately) is that there is light and there is love and one thing that I do know is that the things that we can do when what we are doing it for is love - is just incredible.
In my newsletter today I am going to write about the crazy things that I have done for love in just this short period of time. I was looking through my newsletters and I came to the one where I announced that the store front of my office was closing. That was a dark time because my practice was a dream of mine and a lot of dreams were realized in that office in the lives of my patients and myself. I was thinking optimistically about what the future would bring, but it was still a difficult time. Freud has said, "One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful."
Then Virtual La Coop took off and because of you - it has been a large success. The biggest part of that success is what it has allowed me to do both professionally and personally. My children and my family are everything to me, and the fact that I am sitting in my hospital bed with these 2 little miracles due in part to the time Virtual has allowed me to have - I am elated. In fact, in about 45 minutes I have a patient to see! The funny thing is, that I was actually seeing a patient when my water broke and she kindly allowed me to talk with my OB GYN and I drove to the hospital all while talking with her about some of her struggles. I finished the appointment in the parking lot before I checked into my OB GYN appointment.
Since I have been sitting here, I think of how much I love what I do. I was supposed to testify in a death penalty hearing on Friday for a major case I have been working on for 2 years, but one that has been going on much longer than that. The attorney on that case is working with me and I hope to continue the case long enough to be back in court - likely in a wheelchair, but will be there. Why? Because I truly love what I do - no matter how dark it seems at times.
All of my patients have been so gracious and understanding about this. Many wonder how I am seeing them while I am in the hospital. They think that they are stressing me out, but the reality is - I do what I LOVE. Aside from my family, being a doctor is the one true love of my life. In fact, many of you know that I see you all as part of my family. So, if I'm crazy for working - I've seen people do many crazy things for love!
Thank you all for your support and understanding in this time period. We are all taking time to grow and learn and that is always to be commended.
Until next time!
Dr. L+2
La Coop, PA - General and Forensic Psychiatry
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