July 2014 - Persistence Pays OFF!
Many of you know that I have been trying to have babies for quite some time and have been working hard at having them. Everything from changing the format of my practice, to traveling across the country, to taking all kinds of medications.
Now, I am happy to tell you that not only is this the 6th year anniversary of La Coop, but now on this anniversary I am proud to say that my hard work has paid off!!
This is the very first picture of my babies. As you can see there are TWO!!!
My husband and I have been working hard and praying for a miracle to happen and it finally has. As of this newsletter, my little ones are 12.5 weeks old.
They are moving, and are keeping their mamma up with nausea and sweats at times. Though these are uncomfortable symptoms, they are symptoms that I am glad to have.
In closing, I want to thank all of you for being so accommodating and being the best patients that one could have. Many of you have asked me if I am still going to work once I have them and the answer is OF COURSE!!! Being a doctor is as much of a part of me as these little babies and it is always my honor and supreme pleasure to be your doctor.
Until next time.
Dr. L+2
LA COOP, PA - General and Forensic Psychiatry
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