April 2013 - La Coop PA Closing :(
I am writing this with a heavy heart as I have gotten some bad news last month regarding my office space. The building that I have been leasing my space from for the past 5 years has sold my lease to a larger tenant. They didn't give me notice and I didn't know about it until I continued to hound them about my lease renewal and they finally said that they were not renewing my lease.
In any event, the practice location will close as of June 22nd (which so happens to also be my birthday). I will continue to see all of you until that time. After that, I will continue to see some of my patients virtually via SKYPE. My handle on Skype is drlazarou. For all of those patients that cannot follow me for any reason, I will have the ability to send your medical records to your new provider electronically while I am still in the office. My mailing address for the practice will be: PO Box 1107 Odessa, FL 33556 | .
I do not want any of you to worry about me, as I have had many patients already grieve over the loss of the practice. The way that I see it, when something seemingly bad happens - it's opening the door for something new to happen that is positive. In my lifetime this has happened over and over again and I am sure that this is no exception - it's just a shock.
I have talked with a few of my colleagues to see if they would be willing to take some of my patients. As a blanket referral, I tell people to call the University of South Florida Department of Psychiatry at (813) 974-8900. Now, the wait can be long for a new patient appointment, so you should call right away. There is also Dr. Ruano that can see patients at night and on weekends and his office number is 813-317-1351. In Lakeland, my colleague Dr. Cassidy is seeing patients and is expecting calls from my patients and his office number is
I will be sending a hard copy of this information out to you as well in the mail.
It has been a pleasure to treat all of you and be a part of your families and watch you improve and grow.
Dr. L
****As many of you know, I love creating art and I wanted to include you in that in these last months that the office is open. I will have sharpie markers by the glass door to my office. I'd like all of you to write me a message on there so that I will be able to keep that long after this office is closed. I am taking the door with me when I leave and will have it mounted in my house.****