January, 2012 - Happy New Year! from LA COOP, PA
The New Year always brings an opportunity to make something great happen in my life. It means new beginnings and a new possibility to make my mark on the world in some positive way.
What does it mean to you? For some, it means a new weight loss goal, or ending a bad habit.
Whatever it means to you, I would like for you to make 2012 your best year yet! I know that economic times have been bad for many and people are disenchanted with the way the world as we know it has been running. No matter what is happening outside of us, it ultimately has no bearing on what we have inside. It is up to ourselves what decisions we make and what behaviors we do.
Let's all choose to better ourselves in some way this year! Below, I've given you some tools to make your path easier to construct. As always, don't hesitate to email me with questions or requests for the next newsletter.
See you soon!
Dr. L
Organize the List
At the end of the year, I always make a list of things that I want to do in the coming year. I start with headers and make the list from there. You can make the headers anything you want, but mine are always the following:
- PERSONAL - this section is more in terms of a spiritual sense. What do I want for myself in this year? This is where I put goals about what I want for my relationships (husband, friends, family).
- PROFESSIONAL - this section goes without saying. This is what I want professionally in my business life at La Coop.
- FINANCIAL - this section is about my own personal finances which includes those for my business and in my family. I will write a budget for projects, start a savings for certain items I covet, etc.
- PHYSICAL - this section is about my physical goals which includes weight goals, change in certain components of my diet, work out goals, body composition, etc.
Make actual bulleted goals under each heading
For the sake of brevity, I'll make my list under the PHYSICAL section:
- Would like to get my weight into the 120s and keep it there.
- Would like to maintain my body fat under 15%.
- Would like to increase my daily intake of insoluble fiber to 30grams per day.
- Need to do 45 minutes of Cardio per day to burn at least 500kcal per day in physical activity.
- Make sure I take my vitamins daily.
- Eat out only once per week.
Break the bulleted list down to daily do-able items
- Would like to get my weight into the 120s and keep it there.
- weigh daily until I get into the 120s so I can monitor my progress.
- write down daily weight so I will see how my behavior effects my weight from day to day.
- Would like to maintain my body fat under 15%.
- Will write the body fat (I have a body fat monitor scale) down with the daily weights.
- Decrease the amount of fat in my diet.
- Would like to increase my daily intake of insoluble fiber to 30grams per day.
- I will eat 2 servings (1 cup) of All Bran in the morning each morning (1 serving = 10g).
- I will add a fresh vegetable into dinner each night.
- broccoli (4g in 1/2 cup)
- black beans (1 c = 19 g)
- Will try to eat a high fiber fruit daily (Apple = 4g)
- Need to do 45 minutes of Cardio per day to burn at least 500kcal per day in physical activity.
- 1 mile of jogging daily (I'm in a running club now). That's about 12 minutes of cardio.
- 30 minutes of elliptical or cardio cross train.
- Make sure I take my vitamins daily.
- Eat out only once per week. This will decrease my overall calorie intake per week.
Just DO IT!
Now that you have your list with bulleted points - it will make it easier to just get out there and do it!
Dr. L